
How to Use Your Resonance Plate

We at Resonance Harmonics wanted to make resonance plates functional as well as beautiful to look at. This is why we choose to make them in a variety of different sizes. All sizes can easily be hung on the wall for decorative purposes. You can choose your own colours to match with your home décor or work décor, depending on where you choose to place them. You can also choose a crystal you would like to add to the chosen colour which will then be infused with the paint.

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Tachyons are the source particles from which whole universe originates

Tachyon Energy

The world Tachyon comes from the word ‘tachy’ which means rapid or fast and the word ‘on’ is the particle or ion. They were introduced for the first time by physicist Arnold Sommerfeld in the year 1968, and named by Gerald Feinberg. These are sub – atomic particles at zero-point energy which is formless. These are theoretical particle traveling faster than the speed of light in the quantum field which is not able to be measured by the hertzian frequency spectrum. This is why these particles have a space like four momentum rather than normal particles which have a time like four momentum. Tachyon particles are the very first structure to come out of a non-structured. It is the source of everything, all subtle energies and all realms which are part of the energy continuum. Tachyon particle infuse physical matter with spiritual light. Also known as or referred to as 9 ether energy or energy of source which is Energy at its complete state. Tachyons are the source particles from which whole universe originates

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